Tuesday 30 August 2011


Hello Penguins
Today i am here to say that we May have to close down if we do not get more authors . We are desparate . So Please let me or Pingo20410 know if you can help in any way .
Thank you

Monday 15 August 2011

Puffle1929 Twitter Leavers Party

Dear readers
As some of you may know i have now been forced off twitter . To pay everyone for my experience i will be having a Party . i hope you can make it . Check back for the details .
Waddle On

Sunday 14 August 2011

Website up dating

I was thinking that the website should be updated.

New updates or changes will be happening soon

Pingo 20410

Friday 12 August 2011

Cp youtube channel!!!!


Island Adventure 2011 Recap: Rockhopper! (Club Penguin

My edit of brown puffle background!!!

It took me 3 mins to make i think the tongue will be a bit different though


OK here is a code card giveaway :



by Jakatak and Puffle1929


Who is your favourite character ou of these?

Mines Dot

puffle faces backgrounds nearly complete!!!

i have nearly completed my puzzle i just need the brown puffle background caint wait to get it it should be comming soon i bet it will have it blue tongue sticking out later updates soon.

New background

Today i found this new baxkground when i was looking at the cp community page.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Checkered flag pin : cove

I waddling around when at the cove on  rock i saw this pin its cool i really like it.

Igloo Items Coming This Friday!

Igloo Items Coming This Friday!

Hello Penguins!

We're finishing work on new stuff for you this week, including a new furniture catalog! Here's a sneak peek inside:

The new stuff will be released early in the morning on Friday (Penguin Standard Time.) Remember that you can check Penguin Standard Time at the Snow Forts, or on the Community page

What do you think of the sneak peek? Let us know what you see in the comments below!

In other news... We just added a new version of Fluffy the Fish to the Beta Team site. Be sure to let us know what you think of it, and whether you prefer using a mouse or keyboard to play.

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on August 10 2011 04:11

Has Disney Ruined Club Penguin - You Decide

Hello Penguins
Today i am here with the second you decide post . Today we are debating about whether or not Disney has ruined Club Penguin. But at Club Penguin Cheats World we like to hear what YOU think. So comment on this post if you think Disney has ruined Club Penguin.
Waddle On
By Jakatak ( You Decide part 2 )

Club Penguin Olympics Party - You Decide

Hello Penguins
I am Here today to suggest the idea of a Club Penguin 2012 Olympics Party. I have contacted Club Penguin about this but we want to know what YOU want. Comment to let me know if you like this idea.
Waddle On
By Jakatak ( you decide part 1 )

About Dasf4 The new blogger

Hi im a new worker here  i usually go on the dock sleet . If you see be sure to say hi and i may add you.I love posting and i have a blog of my own here is the link http://dasf4scheatsandsecrets.blogspot.com/.I make good pin trackers.cant wait to start posting.Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Dasf4penguin?feature=mhee twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/dasf4penguin

That it from

Tropical Bird Pin

Hello Penguins
Today I was waddling around Club Penguin and i Went to the Gift shop . That resulted in me finding the new pin ... The Tropical Bird ! So remember its located i the Gift Shop just to the right of the Cashier. Hope the Cheats help .
Until Then Wadle On
By Puffle1929