The Viking Ninja

Hello Penguins
Club Penguin Cheats World is the home to a very popular Club Penguin Comedy called The Viking Ninja.
Here is the cast :

The Viking Ninja ( Bad )
Super Ninja ( Good )
Emporer Ninja / King Ninja ( Good )
Emporer Viking / King of the Vikings ( Bad )
Spy ( Bad )
Wizard Ninja ( Good )

Extras :
Witness 1
Witness 2
The Viking Ninjas assistant

In the first episode the Viking Ninja is sent on a mission by Emporer Viking to Steal food and money from other penguins igloos but without being spotted by Security Cameras. The Viking Ninja was told to bring the food to the secret headqautres but instead he eats it himself and spends the money on a new igloo. Then The Viking Ninja runs away to an igloo . The igloo is formed like a school and thats when he has a flashback that it was his old school. So the Viking Ninja camps out in the igloo for the resdt of the episode .

The first episode of the Viking Ninja to be shown Live on Club Penguin will be on the 19th of Janurary 2012 . Also the Viking Ninja will be on tour on the 3rd of September to the 5th of September in 2011. Here is the information you need about the tour :
Servers : Sleet , Ice Shelf and Klondike
Rooms : Dock , Stage , different igloos , ski hill , epf headquarters / mission room 2010 and cove

We hope you enjoy the Viking Ninja Comedy and it will be going to youtube soon. We hope you can come on the tour and dont miss an episode by staying tunedd on Club Penguin Cheats World
Thank You
By Puffle1929 + Liana55