Sunday 27 November 2011

Massive Up Dates Expected

The title says it all. The update will be happening on the 9th December.
Waddle on  

Website Updates Expected

Hey Penguins
We are currently working on some new updates including , new penguin graphics catalog and new free and read to pick up graphics and a new banner. Here is a sneak peek :
Thats right . It will be Igllo themed . stay tuned for more.
The CpCw team

Saturday 26 November 2011

Meeting Taz

Hey Guys
I dunno if you guys are interested but i met Taz the other day on iceberg :
Cool huh

Meeting Sensei

Hear are a couple of pics when i met Sensei
waddle on

Club Penguin Water and Fire outfits - NEW

Hey guys
As you know the CP card jitsu party is now on and many of you have met sensei. here is the new secret Ninja Hideout :

hope your enjoying the party

Saturday 12 November 2011

New graphics coming soon

Hey Penguins
Im here to announce that we are having problems uploading the penguin graphics.Stay tuned to find out more.
Waddle On
By Pingo 20410 

Saturday 5 November 2011

Club Penguin Buddy glitch

Hi Penguins
Today whilst on Club Penguin i saw my buddy Superspike23 and checked my buddy list . it said he wasnt online :
Have you encounterd this too ?
Waddle On
By Puffle1929

Club Penguin card jitsu party

Hey Penguins
A few days ago Club Penguin revealed that a card jitsu party will be held on November 24th :
Im guessing Sensei will be visiting.
Until then Waddle on
By Puffle1929