Saturday, 31 December 2011

Club Penguin New Wallpaper Cheats

Today while I was looking through the community blog on Club Penguin I noticed that the owners of Club Penguin have released a new wallpaper for us to use. Lets take a look at the new wallpaper:

This new wallpaper really looks amazing don't you think? If you remember me posting about the Sneak Peek for 2012 you'll notice that I was talking about the two penguins in this wallpaper. The penguin in the middle and the penguin in the right! Anyway if you like this wallpaper tell me quickly in a comment ~Happyblue128

Club Penguin Sneak Peak: 2012 Clothing Items!

Today while checking the Club Penguin Community site I noticed that the new wallpaper may hold a sneak peak of the 2012 clothing catalogues! If you look at the middle and right penguin you will see that they are wearing new clothes that haven't been added into previous catalogues therefore Club Penguin may add them in the up-coming year. Lets have a closer look what I'm talking about:

The penguin in the middle is wearing a never seen orange with blue dots scarf, where the penguin on the right is wearing a never seen before jacket with a tie. There is also another item on the home page of Club Penguin that may be released into upcoming catalogues. Lets have a quick look at what image I mean:

There looks like there could be some new items coming up very soon in Club Penguin. Maybe not in the January catalogue but the Summer catalogue for the summer items above. Hmm... these could just be nice graphics but why would Club Penguin spend time and effort into creating these and not doing anything else with them? Leave a comment on your thoughts of the Sneak Peak 2012 Clothing Items below. ~Happyblue128

Club Penguin Mine Shack Bug

Today while at the Mine Shack on Club Penguin I noticed that when I was trying to through a snowball to water the plants the snow ball landed but no water came! I was very upset, take a look:

I wonder why this is happening? Leave a comment below and tell me your thoughts! ~Happyblue128

Rockhopper Sails Away From Club Penguin

Today the Holiday party ended in Club Penguin and Rockhopper left with his Migrator back to his island. He can been seen in the telescope like what the Club Penguin Times Secret said:

Here is what the telescope, located on top of the lighthouse at the beacon, lets us see of Rockhopper:

I really enjoyed tracking captain Rockhopper down on Club Penguin, didn't you? I also got a add from him like most penguins did! Leave a comment and tell us what you thought of his visit ~Happyblue128.

All Penguins Can Play Card Jitsu Water & Fire On Club Penguin!!

Today while chilling in the Ninja courtyard in Club Penguin today I told everyone to come in the Water Dojo and I noticed that all players could play the game where as only members should be allowed in. This is the same case as the Fire Dojo and Ninja Hideout! Take a look at the message when you go to play Card Jitsu Water & Fire:

Awesome right! This has been left for a while as this should of ended on December the 6th! Enjoy playing Card Jitsu Fire and Water non-members! ~Happyblue128

Club Penguin New EPF Message From G

Today while on Club Penguin I noticed that my EPF Spy phone was blinking blue... This can only mean one thing, that's right there is a new EPF Message from a head agent! This message is from Agent G and it says:

It reads:

Well done this year Agents. There were many challenges, but we faced them together. No matter what 2012 holds for us, I know we'll be ready.
You bet Agent G, we are ready for anything because we work together! What do you think we will have to face next year agents? Comment and tell me ~Happyblue128

Club Penguin Recycling Plant Bug

Today while at the Recycling plant busy recycling my rubbish I noticed that when trying to add rubbish into the machine it just sat on top! Take a look:

Strange right, I wonder why this bug has happened! If you don't know how to recycle throw a snowball at the beginning of the machine and you will see it sits on top of it instead of filling it up. Comment and tell me why you think this has happened.

Club Penguin EPF Bug - NO MORE NEW AGENTS!

Today on Club Penguin I decided to re-take the E.P.F test and see what I would get but I then realised that I couldn't as the snowball bug had hit again. If you try to take or re-take the test you can not start the test as you can not throw a snowball onto the target. You can throw the snowball but it will not do anything! Take a look:

I wonder why this has happened. Any ideas? Drop a comment below and tell me. ~Happyblue128 (New Author)

New Logo

Many people have seen our new logo on the header or some were else 
if you haven't seen hear it is.

 Its pretty cool don't you think.
Happy new year

Welcome iStorm

Hey Guys I'm iStorm
I'm here to give you the latest Cheats, Graphics, Videos
I will Post as much as I can.
My Twitter is: @iStormCP
and I make 2 min graphics like:

Hope to see you soon!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Update report

All the updates are all successfully done thanks to your help of being patiant


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

New Exclusive

Hey Guys when I was looking through the cp files I found this